So, you’re interested in becoming a vegan but feel overwhelmed with all the information. Don’t worry, here’s a quick guide to help you take this big leap.
Whether your reasons are to improve your health or protect the animals or planet, you should know a few things before starting to walk this path.
1. Learn about veganism. There are a lot of books, websites, and YouTube channels dedicated to providing you with information about this topic. I can recommend documentaries such as What the Health, Forks Over Knives, The Game Changers, and some YouTubers such as Mic the Vegan, Earthling Ed, and Physicians Committee.
2. Do it gradually. There’s no need to do this overnight. You can start incorporating more vegetables, and fruits and reduce your animal product intake. This is what’s called plant-based eating. It gives your body time to adjust before you go fully vegan.
Now, if you decide to go cold turkey to a vegan diet, I recommend you drink a lot of water and go easy on fiber. Start adding fiber in small amounts, like beans, vegetables, and fruits that are harder to digest, like cauliflower or other cruciferous vegetables, that even though they are super healthy, can provoke bloating and gas. After a while, your body will get used to it, but the first weeks can be tough (I’m speaking from experience).
3. Discover new foods and recipes. Now that you’re not eating animal products, there’s a new rich, and colorful world to discover, full of vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds.
Be creative and don’t be scared to try these delicious new flavors. On the YouTube channel, Well Your World, you can watch many easy and beautiful recipes and get some ideas to make tasty dishes.
4. Supplements. You’ll have to take vitamin B12 because it’s not found in plants. Some vegetable milks or other foods may be fortified, but maybe this won’t fill your requirements, so it’s better to check with your doctor and take the vitamin if you need it.
5. Medical Guidance. Get your blood work done regularly to check if everything’s ok not only with B12, but other vitamins, hormones, calcium, etc. Ask your physician to keep your health under control now that you changed your diet.
6. Join a community. Becoming vegan can be a lonely path, especially if you don’t have the support of your family and friends. Yet, in this day and age, you can find many people who share your views in your surroundings or on the Internet. Find groups on social media, YouTube, etc.
7. Prepare Ahead. When you’re going out to eat, research the menu of the place you’re going, see which things you can eat, or look for vegan restaurants. Also, when you go to a friend’s or family gathering, consider bringing a vegan dish and a little more in case someone wants to try it.
8. Be Positive. Always keep in mind the reasons why you’re doing this, so if ever you feel like it’s a struggle, you will have the motivation to continue. Celebrate your goals and if you ever succumbed to temptation and have an animal product, don’t be so hard on yourself, and just start again.
Good luck with your journey.
Enjoy the meals, and be patient with yourself and others (that hasn’t made the change yet or that question your decision).
Educate yourself about animal farming, whole foods, cooking recipes, supplements, etc.
And be always aware and content, that the animals, the planet, and your health will benefit from your decision, and that’s the most important thing.
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